Honor birth parents. Celebrate the woman who carried your child. Honor them in deed and speech every day. This weekend, Mother’s Day weekend, formally honor this woman’s courage. Regardless of the problems the birth family is facing, your child needs to know you respect and love where they came from.

However you contact her through a case manager or on Our Hearts Connect, recognize her this Mother’s Day.
- Write your own thank you note through email, postal service, or Our Hearts Connect.
- Have your child write a note.
- Send a short video of your child.
- Send a newsletter with a brief write-up and pictures of “firsts.” Such as,
- “Today was my first day at the pool.”
- “Today I tried sushi.”
- “Today I went for a walk on a real boardwalk.”

Ways to Honor Your Child's Birth Mother if you do not have contact with the family.
- Be honest with your kid about their birth mom, giving credit where it’s due in their life story.
- Plant a tree or some flowers in her honor.
- Release butterflies or balloons for her—just make sure they don’t get caught in the neighbor’s tree; that conversation could be awkward.
- Help your kid craft a poetic masterpiece or a Picasso-level drawing for her. If they want, they can hang it up in their room.
- Encourage them to jot down a thank-you note for her, even if it’s just for safekeeping.
- Read children’s books that celebrate birth families; it’s a bonus if you can provide funny voices for the characters.
- Chat about her casually, like, “I bet your birth mom had cool brown eyes like yours.”
- Pray with your kid about their birth mom; it’s like a personalized wish list but for someone super special.
- Make a life book together and read it every Mother’s Day. Add a page or two about her birth mom—it’s like updating the family album but with less embarrassing baby photos.