Guide for Birth Parents Considering Adoption

Adoption Steps

We have heard women ask, “How can I give my baby up for adoption?” First, recognize that adoption is not “giving up.” This step is a brave, mindful consideration of what is right for you and your child.  Placing a child for adoption can be a challenging and rewarding journey. We hope this page helps you understand the process so you can make the decision that is best for you. 

Placing a child for adoption can be a challenging and rewarding journey. We hope this page helps you understand the process so you can feel confident as you decide, if this is a journey no matter what situation you’re in, we will help you through this!

Adoption Application for Birth Mothers

Completing the Application is your first step in the adoption planning process. The information you share will be kept confidential and helps us get to know you.
No matter your situation we look forward to working with you.

Financial and Counseling Support

Being pregnant or having a child is tough and requires support.  We are here to help with placing a baby for adoption.

We do this in multiple ways.

  • We will support you emotionally before and after the adoption and will provide counseling whenever needed.
  • We will help you with stable housing, a phone, medical care, food, transportation, and other necessities.
  • We have private apartments where you can live if needed.
  • You will receive a debit card. for help with necessary expenses.

Choosing an Adoptive Family

You want a great family to adopt your child.  We will help you find them.

Consider what you are looking for in an adoptive family: married, single, other children, education, finances, religion, home, lifestyle.  Which of these are important to you?  Tell us and we’ll select families that match what you are looking for. View some of our amazing waiting families.

If they match what you are looking for and your situation matches their hopes and dreams. We will get you together.  You can visit with them over the phone, video chats and meet them in person. We want you to feel confident they are the right family for your child.

Delivery and Placement

Sometimes pregnant women need to be in a safe and confidential place to deliver their child. You can stay where you are now, or we can help you find another place. We will also assist you get the medical care you need. You may be in an unstable, unsupportive, or abusive situation and need to get away. We have private, safe apartments in Utah where you can stay before and after you deliver. While there, you will attend activities, meet with a counselor, receive excellent medical care, and get to know other women in a similar situation.  

Placing with the adoptive family. The hospital can be a challenging and amazing time. Depending on where you deliver, we and the adoptive family can be at the hospital. During your stay, we hope you get to know your adoptive family. Additionally, you will spend as much or as little time as you want with the baby.

Transition and Post Placement

Going back into normal life after placing a child for adoption can be jarring.  We will help smooth that transition. Together we will make a plan for the weeks following the placement of your child, then determine the necessary finances for that plan. That financial support will assure you have stable housing and transportation so you can move forward with your life

Post-Placement support. We facilitate communication between you and your adoptive family and provide support and counseling for as long as you need it.  HeartsConnect can help you maintain a long-term, healthy relationship with your adoptive family. 

HeartsConnect is an online web app that will allow you to communicate with your adoptive family in a confidential, safe way.  You can be assigned a unique, private group where you share messages, pictures, and videos that will be saved for years.  Someday your child may want to join the group and have their own connection with you.